16 Bourne Road, Merstham, RH1 3HF
07734 462281


Equine Price List

TROT UP AND TREAT: assess in hand or on lunge and treat with chiropractic and acupuncture if required:  £75

RIDDEN: assess in hand and ridden, specifically if having ridden issues and treat with chiropractic and acupuncture if required: £100

ACUPUNCTRE ONLY: assess, not ridden, and treat with Acupuncture only: £65

LASER THERAPY: up to 2 body parts/ wounds: £50                                          Discount if booked and paid for 6 sessions in advance: £250 instead of £300.

KINESIOLOGY TAPING:  As part of treatment : £5                                                    On own, including brief assessment, tape and demo: £50                                    Roll of Large tape: £20   Roll of small tape : £12 

REHABILITATION REVIEW and PLAN: as a follow up:  IN PERSON:  £50  VIRTUAL: £25


DETAILED REPORT: for vets or insurance: £10

Travel is additional and will be charged at 60p per mile over 10 miles from RH1 3HF.

Payment must be made at the time of the visit either cash or bank transfer

Small Animal Price List

RUN UP AND TREAT: assess moving and treat with Chiropractic and acupuncture if required:  £55

COMPETITION VIEW:  assess video prior to appointment of competition, such as agility, then a run up and treat with Chiropractic and acupuncture if required:  £60

ACUPUNCTURE ONLY: assess and treat with Acupuncture only:  £45

LASER THERAPY:  up to 2 body parts/ wounds: £45.                                    Discount if booked and paid for 6 sessions in advance £230 instead of £270.

KINESIOLOGY TAPING:  as part of treatment: £5                                                     On own, assess, tape and demo: £40                                                                        Roll of small tape: £12

REHABILITATION REVIEW AND EXERCISE PLAN: as a follow up:                          IN PERSON : £45   VIRTUAL £25


DETAILED REPORT:  for vets or insurance: £10


Travel is additional and will be charged at 60p per mile over 10 miles from RH1 3HF.

Payment must be made at the time of the visit either cash or bank transfer.